Saturday, February 20, 2010

WASTE! That word in itself is a waste of perfectly good letters that could be other wised used to spell another word that would or could be used to describe something of value or of positive means. But, I guess their has to be word to describe the mis-appropriations of something of value or of positive means. It is my personal believe that all things that would benefit mankind should not and ought not be wasted. They should be used ti their fullest potential to benefit mankind instead of being discarded or even frozen. To be discarded! Who on earth likes to be discarded or even likes to discard anything? Not me! I believe that everything should be used to their fullest potential and then if their is waste left over throw it in the trash bin. But, now someone has to deal with it plus it just cost money to dispose of it. Now, lets talk about being frozen, push backed, out of sight out of mind. Isn't that a waste to? Yes, I believe it is because of the fact that we are not taking advantage of our natural resource that we, as a human species, have at our disposal! Yes, I know that if the embryos are frozen they can be used at a later time. What? When we are done arguing about if it is wrong or right. Like, if that is ever going to happen! However, in the mean time we are wasting resources in that we have to pay to keep them frozen I mean somebody is not doing it for free. We are wasting time in that our scientist could be using them to find cures and further extend human life. Give a couple a child that other wise could not have one. And we are wasting life because people shouldn't have to die because we cannot make up our minds as human being to say that something is right or wrong. Which one is the greater sin or greater evil? If you were not able to guess what my standpoint is I don't know what to tell you. Now, lets make the Fortun turn! The whole publicXprivate that is where I believe good science goes bad! Why do some people believe or feel the necessity to become so filthy rich that it is a waste of money to just have it sitting their doing nothing. I guess it does give the person the satisfaction of just knowing its their that they will not suffer the dis-satisfaction of not be able to buy something. But, what if their came a time when money has no value and person must survive on what skills he posses as a hunter gatherer. God forbid that that day should ever arrive! Also, the whole promiseXdisclosure thing how can Kari ask the people to do something as a country and not at least ask them as a people or even fill them in on every detail of how he is going to go about collecting this data base. To me this looks like someone sold their people without asking them first. Wow! What does that sound like?


  1. Hmm...the old phrase Frank, "tell us what you REALLY think" comes to mind. I see you've pulled no punches here. I'm guessing there's no one who would be left wondering "what [your] standpoint is". To hold the view you do I am guessing you'd also heartily endorse the argument against potentiality we saw in the paper by Devolder and Harris, yes?

    I'm not sure what you mean about the publicXprivate crossing being about where "good science goes bad!". Given what Fortun writes, how does your comment about the "filthy rich" bear on his argument? Where does excessive wealth find a place in Fortun's publicXprivate chapter?

  2. I thought that the point of the chapter was that when the deCode went public those who were holding stock thus became filthy rich. Now we have money corrupting the progress of science because it is now becoming a numbers or money game instead of the research being done to promote better medical technology it seems as if deCode is trying to appease stock or share holders. Now deCode is under pressure from its share holders to produce instead of just being under pressure to find a way to advance medical technology to save lives. If the company had just stayed private it wouldn't have to worry about the natives and others seeing Kari(decode) as trying to sell Icelandics people as a commodity.
