Friday, January 29, 2010

Whenever new technology is invented or technology is pushed to increase the boundary's of our limitations people are always going to question it. Why are they going to question it? Because they don't understand it and people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Just like most uneducated people tend to do instead of seeking a better understanding of what this new technology entails. They will place ethical questions on it saying that it is wrong to use embryo's because life begins at this stage or whatever stage they say it does. Also, where did they get the raw materials to do this kind of research? Does it really matter as long as no crimes are being committed? I say no! It really does not as long as nobody is getting hurt in the process. If we as a people can exceed our limitation by using what resources we have at our disposal. Isn't that the right thing to do? If we can use all our technology that we have and what we will have to eliminate the negative and harmful things that life throws at us. Wouldn't that be the wisest thing to do? That is what this weeks readings seem to be addressing and that is what is the moral implication that this type of research entails. Is it wrong to try and make life perfect so we won't suffer any kind of diseases or sickness? Is it wrong with wanting to live a long healthy life and for our children to also to so? Hell no! It is normal for people to want to live and live free of any negativity. I believe that this is the bigger picture that we are after with the advancement of genomic research. Were not after the power to say what can live and what can not. We are after the power to eliminate any defects in the human race has as a species. Also, what comes along with new technology? Power! Power can be a good thing if it is not allowed to become corrupt. How does power become corrupt? It becomes corrupt when people use it to further their own cause instead of the greater cause and that would be the cause of the people. I believe the cause of the people would be to prolong life as long as they possibly can. In order to do this we need this type of research. But, this is were politics comes into play its dirty hand. Politics sees this type of research as a power play in order to push their own agendas and this is where ( as I have mentioned above) it becomes corrupt. When it use used for other purposes than the purpose it was intended for. This is when scientific progress and technological innovation draws the line between good and evil and how it is used to promote whichever. People tend to forget the law of nature and that is that their will always be a balance for life can not exist without it. It is just not possible!


  1. You pose a number of intriguing questions and you offer up an equal number of possible responses. How do you see your thinking fitting with or differing from those we are reading? That is, could you make some direct links between your argument and the arguments of Callahan, Robertson, Raman and Tutton, and Brown? Part of what we're aiming for here is a joining of our own (bio)political lights to those who do this sort of thing (biopolitics) for a living. For example, Brown argues that the intrusion of politics is NOT necessarily about its "dirty hand." Clearly what I am encouraging is a fuller head-to-head between your thinking and that of those we have been reading.

  2. I fully understand(now) what you're saying in how to percive these articles that we are reading. I need to bring the emotion,that is being stirred up, into the context of what the article is saying and then somehow challenge it or agree with what the writer is trying to convey to us the reader.
